Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group

Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group

Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group 2560 1707 Karishma Puri

Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group was formed in March as a way of recovering from the COVID-19 lockdowns. Founder Zia wanted to create a safe space for Black women to attend. We sat down with Ruth, Antoinette, Sharmay, Sarah and Angela at Engocha, a local Ethiopian restaurant Ruth runs, to hear more.

Two women sat reading and talking to each other

On the group’s origins

Zia: There were not many black only female groups, and the pandemic showed our disparity in healthcare to address our issues. We needed our own group.

On its importance

Zia: Groups like this make us feel less invisible and that our needs are being catered to. It also helps us stop being misinterpreted because we are able to give our opinion and views about topics that affect us.

Antoinette: It’s wonderful to be able to link up with women who have gone through other experiences and have that sense of community. Here we can learn and grow together – there’s a lot of encouragement, a lot of cheerleading.

Ruth: Yes, the group gives me confidence, I get lots of support. It’s nice to go out and meet different cultures.
Angela. We gel, even though we’re all from very different backgrounds. There’s something around the Black experience, both positive and negative that’s definitely a common thread.

“A sense of community is so important right now.”

On wellness

Sharmay: Wellness is holistic – physical, mental, spiritual and psychological. It can be hard, especially at this time of year, but making yourself come out and interact with others opens you up to the community around you.

Sarah: Being in a space where you have the opportunity to experience activities that you wouldn’t usually is good for your mental health. The encouragement and support you get – it’s really important to have social support groups, to have that space.

Get involved

Email us at highgate.black.women@gmail.com or support us by donating to Camden Giving, who fund groups like ours at camdengiving.org

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